Category: Child Custody

The Dos and Don’ts of Summertime Child Custody

With school out of session, summer provides great opportunities for parents to enjoy more time with their children. Understandably, for divorced parents, this time can also present challenges and conflicts as they seek to spend as much quality time with their kids as possible while sticking to child custody guidelines…

Summer Break Child Custody and Visitation Schedules

Summer break often presents challenges when it comes to child custody and visitation for divorced parents and their kids. In Alabama, the courts encourage parents to work together to create a schedule that gives both parents frequent contact with the child or children. Because schedules that work during the school…

Father’s Rights and Custody

Representing Father’s in Custody Battles I’ve represented a lot of men in custody and divorce cases. Fathers often want (and deserve) sole or joint custody of their children. A problem arises, though, if they’ve been the primary breadwinner, allowing the mother to stay at home with the children. There are…

What Are the Options for Child Custody in Huntsville?

People have many different concerns when they are dealing with a divorce in Alabama, but few areas are as important to parents as custody of children. Both parents involved in a divorce naturally will have strong feelings about their custody rights. Disputes could lead to lengthy court battles. In the…

Can I Get Custody If I’m a Father?

Yes! I’ve represented many clients over the years who have been awarded custody of their child. Winning Custody as the Father In one such case my client had only dated the Mother for a few months. She became pregnant and he stayed as active in the pregnancy as she would…

Family Care and Recovery

Divorce is difficult for all parties involved. This means that it is essential that all parties take into consideration emotional health. With this in mind, we offer insights into children and how to help them through the divorce process as well as your own emotional health. 5 Tips to Nurture…

Santa’s Watching: 10 Tips to Avoid a Holiday Custody Fight

Santa is pretty predictable. Each year, he comes on December 24th to the delight of children all over the world. As predictable as holiday visitation squabbles. Forgive me for not publishing this sooner, but speaking from years of practicing family law I’ve got some suggestions to make child custody issues easier the…