Category: Mindset

A Father’s Day Lesson

Father’s Day was last Sunday and I’ve been talking to some of my Father clients about their role in their children’s lives. Especially when the divorce first happens, whether you are Mom or Dad, you may feel guilty. You are supposed to be one of the most important people in…

Vivid Visualizations for a New Life

What’s the next step in your life after one chapter comes to an end?  How do you create a fulfilling life? It all starts with visualization, according to Susan Ball. The March newsletter from Leigh Daniel includes an article written by Susan with tips on how to open the door to all…

Domestic Violence – Men are Victims Too

Too often we focus on women as victims of domestic violence. True, women are the largest population of victims; however, men are victims too. Oftentimes, men suffer in silence because of the stigma attached to being “beaten up by a girl”. Men in Vulnerable Roles I’ve represented several men who…

Potcakes: Meet The Animals At Leigh Daniel Law Firm

When people come in and see my beautiful dog they often wonder at her strange name. Pancake? Pockets? Hotcakes? No, no, Potcakes! Meet Potcakes! Her name is Potcakes because that is what she is! She is a Potcake Dog. These are mixed breed dogs from the Caribbean islands that got…

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. You might see purple ribbons hanging on doors, wrapped around trees, pinned to lapels, or displayed in other ways around town or on social media. The purple ribbons are meant to raise awareness to the problem of domestic violence – to show support for…

Never Give Up Hope

Today is September 11. Like most Americans, I can remember where I was and what I was doing when the planes hit the Towers. However, this year, it’s a Day that got lost in human tragedies. Between Irma, Harvey, the burning wildfires in the western part of the United States,…

An Unexpected Comfort During a Divorce

When one is going through a difficult time in their life, one may gain comfort in the most unexpected ways. My father recently died and my mom has had to come to grips with living alone after being with my Dad more than 50 years. She tells me about the…