Category: Mediation

Why Most Cases Settle in Mediation

You may have heard the term mediation in the context of litigation.  It’s a common way in Madison County and the surrounding areas, that cases are resolved.  In mediation, the parties hash out their differences with a neutral mediator.  Most of the time they are represented but sometimes the parties…

Don’t Let Your Support System Fail

When people contemplate divorce they often want their family to involved in the initial consultation. Many times, the family members are assisting in the financial aspect and they want to know the logistics of the case. Great. I have always encouraged clients to have their family ask questions if they didn’t understand…

Heartbreaking Divorce: Thoughts of a Divorce Lawyer

I’ve been practicing law a long time. Today in mediation, the mediator said I had tried, “thousands of cases” and as the day ran on he said, “millions of cases (it can sure feel like it!). Mediators are there to guide the negotiations and not to give legal advice and…

Is Mediation Right for Me? What Are the Pros and Cons?

Mediation is a common form of alternative dispute resolution that allows people to privately work out legal agreements to certain contested issues. Mediation can work very well in divorce cases when both spouses are willing to compromise on disputes. Mediation is not necessarily for all people, and you should try…

Choosing Between Mediation and Litigation for Your Divorce

Divorce does not always have to be an adversarial process. Mediation is one alternative to litigation that can allow some couples to create a divorce agreement by working together instead of against each other. If you are considering divorce in the greater Huntsville area, you may want to explore whether…