Huntsville Alabama Divorce Blog

When Living In The Current Moment Feels Painful

Does the smell of warm spiced cider bring up challenging emotions for you? Do you feel sad or even angry when you imagine engaging in your normal holiday traditions (that no longer feel normal)? Do you break down weeping when you hear “Silent Night” on the radio? Do you dread…

Are Expectations Making You Dread the Holidays?

Holiday Dread Is Real Are you dreading the holidays this year? You’re not alone. According to Charity Clinic, “Many people actually dread the holiday season and would prefer to avoid it altogether. According to a survey, 45% of those people living in the United States would choose to skip out…

What You Can Do When Your Life is Falling Apart

I love how nature reminds us that some things fall apart EVERY YEAR …and then usually grow back the next year, sometimes bigger or stronger (or maybe more fruitful) than the year before. The trees don’t struggle against losing their leaves every year…they know it’s all part of the process….

Understanding Narcissistic Abuse

Intimate partner and child abuse can take many forms. Abuse does not have to be physical to cause severe harm. Emotional abuse, including narcissistic abuse, is alarmingly common in romantic and parent-child relationships in the United States. Psychology Today reports that more than half of all adults in the U.S….

Feeling Powerless After Leaving a Relationship

“Power makes us approach. Powerlessness makes us avoid.”  -Amy Cuddy (p112 in her book Presence) Do you feel powerless as you leave your relationship with your spouse? Did they systematically undermine your confidence? Do you want to regain your confidence? Is it worth the work to do that? I think…

Protective Dogs Divorce Advice

“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”― Dalai Lama XIV, The Art of Happiness The other night I dreamt I was on a long hike with my sweet pooch up bare rock that reminded me of Zion National Park’s Checkerboard Mesa. At first, it’s just…

Communication With A Narcissist

You are so tired of the lies, the accusations, the full-on gaslighting. You find yourself defending yourself with each narcissist conversation and driving yourself crazy by thinking of ways you may have screwed up. I want you to stop it. You don’t have to defend yourself any longer. When you…