Author: Leigh Daniel, Attorney at Law

Don’t Let Your Support System Fail

When people contemplate divorce they often want their family to involved in the initial consultation. Many times, the family members are assisting in the financial aspect and they want to know the logistics of the case. Great. I have always encouraged clients to have their family ask questions if they didn’t understand…

Preparing a Solid Case to Get Alimony

I’m continuing the question of alimony because it has so many factors and it has to be looked at on a case by case basis. Hopefully, you’ll learn something by reading the series on alimony. Recently I was representing someone who had ample education and had made more than $50,000 when she first…

How is Alimony Determined? Will I Have to Pay?

Much like adultery, the question of alimony can’t be answered easily.  Alimony is awarded based on seven factors, and these are: Age of the parties, length of the marriage Standard of living, fault Education level Health, and earning disparity. Along with those factors you can add in what the Judge tends to do…

Will I Get Alimony?

Alimony is one of the big topics that clients want to know about. The answers to the question, “Am I going to get alimony?” are wildly divergent. As I was writing the first article about the issue, I realized I needed to give more information. To that end, I am…

How the Pandemic Affected Divorce

The year 2020 will go down in history as one of the most unusual, stressful and outright bizarre years in modern history. The Covid-19 pandemic affected everyone; although some more than others. Many lost their jobs, their normal way of life, and even lost loved ones. With all the stress,…

Will I Get Custody?

What Is Child Custody and How Is It Determined? One of the questions that comes up frequently in divorce cases is about custody. The award of custody has become more and more confusing as our legislature makes changes and case law changes to support more forms of custody. Below is…

What Difference Does Adultery Make?

Divorce on grounds of Adultery I get the question ever so often, what difference will it make if I was cheating? Or unfaithful? Or have a new girlfriend/boyfriend? Or have moved in with someone else? Or had an affair? Things have changed a lot since I’ve been practicing law and…

Assets in a Divorce in Alabama

Join me in a typical consultation for divorce, “What kind of retirement accounts are there?” Puzzled look. I continue probing, “Does your spouse have a 401k?” Heads nodding, a tentative, “Yes, I think so”. “How about a pension plan or IRA?” Uncertainty and, “I’m not sure.” Needless to say, this…

How Meditation Can Help You With Litigation

I’ve got many friends who are in the personal development world and it never fails, they will send me a message when I am in mediation. Mediation, with lawyers, and a mediator. A long and usually successful way to resolve a case. I will send back, “I’ve been in mediation…